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Enhanced process transparency

Since our procurement tool interacts across different company control systems (purchase, site call-off, finance), and captures decisions right through the whole process, we can present objective data to highlight the different impact each stakeholder has on the profitability performance result.


From the procurement department - in terms of who (which suppliers) have been engaged with, what has been negotiated, the different iterations through negotiation process, and the supply source decision logic - to the site's execution in terms of when a supply order was called off (order lead time), the supplier response time, order confirmation decision (particularly when not first choice supplier), actual (live) supplier delivery performance - are all digitally captured.


We can therefore measure the impact of each stakeholder in the chain on the final cost incurred, identify any issues, and suggest corrective measures. If a supplier persistently over-promises on delivery for example, causing site delays - this can be objectively understood and costed in for the next potential order, and consequently a more informed decision can be made by the purchaser in the light of actual performance.

The blame game
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