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A new way for suppliers to reach buyers & sell more



Buyers when they are ready to buy

Market intelligence on customer activity



Your capacity utilisation

Efficiently sell unused unsold spare capacity



with market buyers to create new market value​

and share the benefits with your customers



Markets, segments & specific customers

Deploy fully segmented pricing

A free-to-use
new channel to market

When to drop and when to not . . .

Balancing offer price with volume potential in the management of sales and profitability, presents a testing and regular challenge in negotiation decisions, with sometimes conflicting short and longer term outcomes 

  • Knowing when and whether to drop your price to secure an order is a difficult judgement call, often dependent on a number of factors, and is one that has to be made frequently

  • Rash decisions may bring short term gain but longer term pain - by dropping price, you are sending a message to the market. It can lead to the undermining of market pricing and quickly destroy market profitability

What if there was a better way . . . 

Let us be your "go to" sales channel

Simply sign up and start responding to Requests. We are a free-to-use platform, and there are no obligations to use us.

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