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​Why Choose XPD8?


We have wide and deep experience in the construction supply chain - both in India, and internationally. Our solutions are designed to reflect and address supply chain challenges based on a deep understanding of the practicalities of execution in a real world context. This enables us to create collaboration mechanisms which are pragmatic, repeatable and sustainable


We identify areas of cost leakage, which are difficult to identify under normal business conditions - and are often overlooked, or occur between control systems (purchase plan, site execution, finance, etc.). Business decisions taken can be justified in the silo of a single system, but do not necessarily serve the best interests of profitability or cost control when viewed through a wider lens


We offer tools that track performance in realtime, and support decision making in the context of all stakeholder interests (across functions). Actual performance, and decisions taken are electronically captured, justified, fed back into our system learning environment to improve and support future decisions. The system assesses people behaviour in combination with performance data to identify issues, their causes, and potential remedies


Our digital procurement suite is highly effective at reducing the friction that can exist internally within an organisation, as well as with its supply chain. This is because issues can be understood through objective parameters rather than subjective and often emotional ones. Decisions to remedy issues and inefficiencies can consequently be taken far more quickly and easily


The procurement efficiencies we bring are highly visible and tangible to your business. There can often be cynicism about the extent of cost savings, in terms of what is attributable to changes in market conditions, and even who the actual cost saving should be attributable to. Our smart solutions make it absolutely clear what savings have been achieved, and where the performance has been delivered

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